
I’m Paul Thurrott, news editor at Windows IT Pro and technology analyst for Penton Media. I created the SuperSite for Windows in 1998, have been writing the WinInfo news and information newsletter since 1995, and have co-hosted the Windows Weekly podcast with Leo Laporte since 2006. Oh, and I write books, over 20 of them, usually against my will. My latest is Windows 7 Secrets, with Rafael Rivera.

I’ll be using this blog to provide regular updates about the writing of my next book, Windows Phone Secrets, which will largely happen between April and July 2010, and other thoughts around book writing in general, my work, and Windows Phone in particular. Starting in August, this site will become a support center for the book and a place for general discussions around the Windows Phone platform.

13 Responses to About

  1. kflanagan says:

    Another site that is similar, in that it’s about the process of writing, ISBW, from a Raleigh/Durham area woman. http://isbw.murlafferty.com/

    Good luck with the book, and the process of getting there.

  2. bitsblogger says:

    Hi Paul,

    Been watching you and Leo for about a year and just wanted to leave a quick comment on how much I enjoy listening and learning. I will definitely be getting your new book as soon it’s out! Keep up the great work and thanks.

  3. alhamramarina says:

    Hi Paul, any chance to preview to book?

    Bo, Denmark

    Zunetag: hejselbaek

  4. AK says:

    I love this website. Keep the awesome tips comin’! :D

  5. mrinternet says:

    Thanks to you, just dumped my iPhone for a grown up phone (WP 7 Samsung I900 /Omnia7).

    Is a drm protected (or otherwise) PDF version for sale of WP 7 (even happy to pay full price), there are others but not yours…

    BTW: I think Leo (and you to he has missed a point recently), an iPhone had a great value (E.G. apps), but post iPad, the need for a great phone means the need for an iPhone is much less and why WM7 is makes more sense than just for newbies as Leo suggested.

    LPW aka mrinternet
    (oh and screw you J Guber) :-)

  6. I love this site.. Thankyou for the tips.

  7. WebHobbit says:

    I REALLY wish your Winsupersite Blog was even HALF this clean and usable. It’s a cluttered mess compared to this beauty.

    • Paul Thurrott says:

      Yeah. But I make money on the SuperSite and I make $0 maintaining and updating this blog. So there are other differences too.

  8. petegoo says:

    Can you please help bring attention to the Windows Live country change issue? For more than 4 years people have been complaining that you cannot change the country for your live account billing. Therefore you cannot register a new credit card, therefore you cannot buy xbox marketplace games, Zune music & video or WP7 apps. Microsoft support’s solution? Create a new live id with a new email address and lose all of your achievements, MS points, your gamertag and you will have to factory reset your phone.

    You can simply google the problem to find the hundreds of threads talking about it. This one is especially interesting http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/zune/forum/account-pc/the-location-setting-for-your-windows-live-id/030c8c7e-d2c3-4df4-9e98-3287f97d16db?page=10

  9. love your show man and your honest opinions on apple and windows devices.. you dont find many people like that… oh quick rant, since ios5 was a bit of a rip off of other os like wp7 could microsoft do as cupertino does well and sue? lol feel like they should have a taste of thier own medicine haha.

  10. Would love to get some news from WPS regarding changes in the office hub, particularly OneNote, in Mango. No one seems to be covering it in detail. The OneNote client is pretty spartan in NoDo but i saw in a Mango video that the new version seems to support checkboxes Would love to know what else has been uograded and if syncing is improved – it takes forever now relative to pc and iphone versions even on wifi and saving and syncing audio notes is worse.

    BTW Love the new iPad site. Very “Windws 8”

  11. Do you know if the Windows phone will support WebDAV like other smart phones do? The Office suite on the phone is of no use to me since I am unable to connect and work with a standard WebDAV share.

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